
Showing posts from February, 2021

Revealing the professional secrets of Ethereum smart contract audit!

  Let’s get into the exploration of smart contracts! A smart contract is a computer protocol that executes a task based on the specified conditions. In general smart contracts are utilized for purposes such as payment terms, confidentiality, trade deals, loans, regulations, and compliances. Smart contracts are being leveraged in various sectors such as supply chain management, electoral voting, ICO’s, and exchange processes. Above all the smart contracts are built on a blockchain framework and it inherits all the features of the DLT such as transparency, P2P transactions, tamper-proof, immutability.  Let’s take a tour on why to audit the smart contracts, and their professional processes! The reasons to audit smart contracts! Smart contracts are recommended to be audited by professionals to check the following qualities: Performance-optimization, Devoid of security issues & loopholes, Design issues,  Code violations, Vulnerabilities, Impact & Behavior in negative-case scenarios.